Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pain In Salivary Glands Wine Is Ongoing Tenderness/pain In Glands A Cause For Concern?

Is ongoing tenderness/pain in glands a cause for concern? - pain in salivary glands wine

I had problems with my glands.

A few years ago, the whole time beaten. He began with the burning / swelling / hardness in the lymph nodes in the neck and shoulder / back of the head and then all the others (and myself, all I had no idea there were so!) I went to the doctor because it was so sudden and I found it difficult to move with all the points of pain. So I slept through it, and finally he found the excitement in the glands (almost seemed as if they were tired) for one or two days.

Since I had two or three cases that were similar but less intense and generally last only a few hours. One of them was a month ago, and the epidemic that includes the glands in the upper bodyBut the gland under my left ear, was not resolved. There are a lot of pain, more like a caress, the pain when I turn my head a certain way or they put in. It is swollen a little, but not super hard.

Is this a salivary gland? I've always been a bit annoyed about the fact that a tingling sensation in the area of water in my mouth when I am sometimes. It's like the feeling you of them if the taste is too strong, but it can also occur if the water in his mouth when there is nothing in my mouth.

I'm not sure whether the two are related, and I'm not sure whether this is a problem, but I wonder whether anyone any idea what happened.

Thank you very much!

Amanda --


Anonymous said...

Yes, this could be something to do. I), many allergies and sensitivities (and the frequent swelling in my salivary glands and found that all are caused by celiac disease. It is an autoimmune disease caused by intolerance to gluten. His body just freaks out and creates all kinds of allergies to other things. Try to cut the gluten to see if it helps your situation.

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